AbilityOne Program Veterans with Disabilities Receive Accolades

The contract closeout team at Naval Medical Center in San Diego, which is comprised of veterans with disabilities from Los Angeles Habilitation House, received accolades for ensuring the successful return of all unliquidated obligations for fiscal 2014 before they expire on Sept. 30. This is a milestone that has been achieved in the last two years as well, with fiscal 2013 and 2012 funding.  To celebrate, NMCSD's Department Head for Material Management and the Supervisory Contracting Officer held a congratulatory ceremony for the team. LAHH is a subcontractor to National Industries for the Blind, through the AbilityOne Program and has been employing veterans with disabilities since 2011 on this contract. There have been ten veterans with disabilities moving on in their career after gaining valuable skills and experience while working on the closeout team at NMCSD since the beginning. 
