The Beautiful Faces of LAHH

The Beautiful faces of LAHH

Thank you for your generosity and continuous donations to our mission.

How and where we train our employees with disabilities at LAHH is changing due to the new social distancing measures in place. We will be expanding training hours and locations to keep everyone safe and healthy. What we use to be able to do in one training session, will now take two training sessions at different locations.

We believe that training while employed is one of the key success factors for success, now and in the future, for people with disabilities, so we are committed and continuing to provide training. Thank you for your support for training!

We are seeing an opportunity for people with disabilities who have several years of experience in janitorial building services to provide detailed restroom cleaning, quickly, efficiently, and safely, leaving the restroom sanitized for employees and customers. We are pilot testing this service now and plan to roll it out to new and existing customers soon.

If you would like to donate to the start up costs of this new project, please click here.

Thank you for your donations and friendship and sharing with us in this adventure!