So much more than this…

So much more than what we can see and what we can do, became clear to us when a family member of one of our employees wrote, “You run LAHH with love and warmth. The beautiful way you have managed Los Angeles Habilitation House has affected how the employees treat each other and how my husband treats me when he gets home.” 2022 has definitely been a year to build, a year to adjust, and a year to embrace a different way of doing things.

And our colleagues with disabilities have helped provide a different and broader perspective for how to problem solve that is the basis for the positivity and hope we are feeling.

Back to the basics is necessary.

This year showed how much basic training is needed and necessary to provide workplace accommodations and supports for our colleagues with disabilities. We are learning new ways to make others feel welcomed and that our culture is open and accessible. We learned new ways to support and promote healthy and safe workplace practices and ask for your generous support again this year for our training and support fund.

Your tax-deductible donation will fuel our mission through 2023.

Thank you for considering LAHH for your end of the year giving.

We are happy and grateful for you.

Thank you for welcoming us to be part of your story. So many people with disabilities are left out and feel isolated. This year we have seen our volunteers and partners embrace us, as we are.

This makes a difference. Thank you.

May the joy of the Christmas holiday season bring this love and warmth even more into your life.

Guido & Nancy