Thank you to all our Outstanding Cleaning Workers and Supporters!

 “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead

How great to see you both doing a work that brings justice to the world. Custodial work makes the world ordered and safe and makes all other work possible. It is the work of God! And to honor it with a ceremony (& ice cream) is the antidote we need to the pandemic. Like Guido said, “thank you,” to your employees and to you!
— James
Thank you for having us and for making a difference in the lives of these men! It was really wonderful to witness during the LAHH award ceremony the gaze of Nancy & Guido for each one of their employees and to remind us the importance of their jobs in keeping all of us safe, now more than ever. And in return witnessing the joy on the LAHH crew to be recognized for what they do as essential workers, along with their gratitude to be seen, appreciated and employed in these unprecedented times was priceless!!
— Ségolène
I had the privilege to attend the LAHH Outstanding Worker Cleaning Ceremony. Even though all the other janitorial companies cancelled this kind of event because of Covid, Nancy and Guido decided it was so important for them and their employees that they held it, on a smaller scale and with all the safety measures in mind. Since the beginning of this pandemic all the LAHH employees are considered essential workers. The gratitude towards them was so great that Nancy and Guido felt it was right to give the award to all of them instead of just a few. Friends and families were there and also customers of LAHH. A people brought together by “Gratitude”.
Guido spoke a few words that were really true and beautiful. He explained that he wanted to say “Thank you” to them but in the deepest meaning of the word. From the latin “gratia” which means “grace”. He explained that every single one of the workers was a “grace”, a “blessing” that keeps enriching all of our lives. Everybody was attentive, family members were videotaping, customers were clapping, something so true and exceptional was happening that was palpable.
The gaze Nancy and Guido have on their employees and the affection they get in return are signs of a new humanity that was happening in front of my eyes and that is so attractive that I want it in own life.
— Silvia